Why do we need another gardening blog?

Galanthus nivalis - 2014

Along with fashion and cookery, the internet is awash with gardening blogs, so why do we need another one? What makes this one different from the others? I have no training or qualifications in horticulture. It was more than twenty years from growing my first vegetables until I joined the local Garden Club. Like any other gardener, I have weeds and slugs and problem areas.

But what I do have is a desire to grow plants not usually seen in other gardens. To try the rare, or exotic, or borderline hardy. To experiment, to succeed or fail. I research, I visit, I read, and I memorize. What conditions does a plant need – sun or shade, moist soil or dry, exposed position or sheltered? And more importantly, can I give it what it needs? Because I believe in growing plants in the correct environment and growing them tough. They only get fed once a year, they only get watered at planting time.

I have developed my garden over the past thirty years, transforming it from this:


To this:


And from this:


To this:


I hope you will share my passion.

4 thoughts on “Why do we need another gardening blog?

  1. Just to let you all know, I am preparing the next entry for this blog and it will be posted later this week. I intend to post two entries per month to start with and see how we go. Thank you for your support and patience.



  2. Wow, what fantastic transformations. I am so glad I came across your blog so early in your ‘blogging career’; it will be very interesting to read future entries. I don’t do a blog but I have kept a detailed garden journal for 3 years. Good luck.


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